Grafting,metham sodium,soil solarization and virtually impermeable films as alternative technologies

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In the frame of the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection, jointly launched in the year 2000 by the Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory and Sea (IMETS) and the China State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), experimental trials were carried out in Qingzhou city (Shandong Province, China) during 2001-2003 to test several methyl bromide alternative methods to control soilborne diseases in greenhouse tomatoes. Grafting tomatoes on resistant rootstock (Lycopersicon lycopersicum × L. hirsutum), metham sodium applied under traditional polyethylene plastic films, metham sodium applied at low rate under virtually impermeable films and soil solarization combined with biocontrol agents were the alternatives tested and compared to methyl bromide applied under virtually impermeable plastic films too. Collected data show that resistant rootstock (Lycopersicon lycopersicum × L. hirsutum) introduced from Italy is a promising alternative to methyl bromide for local tomato cultivars. Metham sodium applied under traditional polyethylene plastic films is an effective alternative. Moreover, virtually impermeable films demonstrate the help to reduce methyl bromide and metham sodium rates. Finally, soil solarization combined with biocontrol agents does not provide satisfactory results in terms of disease control. In the frame of the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection, jointly launched in the year 2000 by the Italian Ministry for Environment and Territory and Sea (IMETS) and the China State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), experimental trials were carried out in Qingzhou city (Shandong Province, China) during the period of 2001-2003 to test several methyl bromide alternative methods to control soilborne diseases in greenhouse tomatoes. Grafting tomatoes on resistant rootstock (Lycopersicon lycopersicum × L. hirsutum), metham sodium applied under traditional polyethylene plastic films, metham sodium applied at low rate under virtually impermeable films and soil solarization combined with biocontrol agents were the with the tested and compared to methyl bromide applied under virtually impermeable plastic films too. Collected data show that A resistant rootstock (Lycopersicon lycopersicum × L. hirsutum) introduced from Italy is a promising alternative to methyl bromi Finally, soil solarization combined with biocontrol agents does not provide satisfactory results in terms of disease control.
摘 要:随着多媒体技术的不断发展,计算机辅助教学作为一种新的教学模式,它直观生动、感染力强。地理学科是获益较多的学科之一,大量的读图、识图环节可以通过多媒体更快捷和高效的实现,同时学生兴趣得到提高,分析和思考能力得到加强。本文试图总结地理教学过程中相关的经验及对多媒体教学的认识,从而进一步提高地理教学水平。  关键词:地理教学;多媒体;教学质量;提高  地理学科是自然科学与社会科学的有机结合,知识
目的 探讨对子宫内膜异位症患者给予延续性护理干预后获得的临床效果并观察对生活质量产生的影响.方法 将本院2017年6月~2020年5月收治的42例子宫内膜异位症患者数字奇偶法分
目的 分析宫腔镜电切术与左炔诺孕酮联合后治疗早期子宫内膜癌患者保留生育功能的效果.方法 回顾性分析本院2018年5月~2019年6月收治的左炔诺孕酮患者56名,以红蓝球法无差异的
目的 分析卡前列素氨丁三醇+卡贝缩宫素对前置胎盘剖宫产PPH(产后出血)的临床效果.方法 选定本院2018年6月~2020年6月住院治疗的110例前置胎盘剖宫产PPH患者,以单盲随机抽样法
语文教学担负着全面培养学生素质的任务,要以培养有创新思维的有独特个性的学生为己任,去塑造一个个富有创造力的学生个体,为学生走入社会,最大限度地实现自身价值打下坚实的基础。创新思维具有主动性、灵活性、独创性和灵感性的特点,它往往能突破习惯思维的束缚,善于从不同角度思考,即思考过程具有灵活性。在中职语文教学中,创新思维要从以下几方面着手培养。  一、在好奇中激发创新  要培养学生的创新思维,先得唤醒学
目的 分析在产后出血治疗中采用欣母沛治疗的效果及并发症率.方法 选择本院妇产科的58例产后出血患者为例展开探究,以随机数字表法将对象均分成两组,各组纳入29例,包括试验组
摘 要:课堂气氛是指课堂教学过程中所表现出来的公共情绪状态,它是课堂教学能否顺利进行的一个重要因素。那么,如何创造良好的小学语文教学气氛呢? 本文针对这一问题谈了几点看法。  关键词:语文教学;气氛效果;主导作用  课堂气氛是指课堂教学过程中所表现出来的公共情绪状态,它是课堂教学能否顺利进行的一个重要因素。良好的数学课堂气氛,对于提高学生学习语文的兴趣,开发智力,陶冶情操,优化教学效果等都具有十分
摘 要:学生是祖国的未来,是我国未来存亡兴衰的关键,肩负着建设祖国的重大使命。因此,在对学生进行教育的过程中,教师不仅仅要培养学生的基础知识理论,还应该重视学生思维能力的培养,通过多样化的教学模式激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生个性化的发展。因此,在初中数学教学过程中,教师应该采取互动教学模式,从而激发学生对于数学的学习兴趣,高效的完成教学效率。  关键词:初中数学;互动教学;教学模式;兴趣爱好  一
目的 观察和分析MRI和CT对新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的诊断价值.方法 对67例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病进行MRI和CT检查.结果 MRI的检出率和符合率均显著高于CT(P0.05).结论 MRI对新生