OECD于2000年2月通过表、图的形式公布了1998/ 1999 年成员国计税工资标准。该报告对各国计税工资和薪金.社会保障、儿童福利者指标作了简短的比较分析,并指出基于工资和薪金之上的所得税和社会保障税也存在很大差异。 根据该报告内容,按生产工人平均成本
In February 2000, the OECD adopted the table and chart format to promulgate the taxable salary standards of member countries for 1998/99. The report makes tax pay and salary to countries. Social security and child welfare indicators made a brief comparative analysis, and pointed out that based on wages and salaries above the income tax and social security tax there are also very different. According to the report, the average cost of production workers