视网膜电图(Electretinogram,ERG)是视觉电生理诊断学中应用最早的一种方法。继德国著名的生理学家象Emil duBois-Reymond(1849)发现眼球的静息电位后,瑞典的生理学家Frithiof、Holmg-ren(1865)在脊椎动物的眼球上又发现了给光或撤光时发生的动作电位。在以后的寻源工作中证明这个动作电位系起源于视网
Electretinogram (ERG) is one of the earliest methods used in visual electrophysiology diagnosis. Following the discovery of the resting potential of the eye by Emil du Bois-Reymond (1849), a famous German physiologist, Swedish physi- cists Frithiof and Holmgren (1865) found that light or light extraction was found on vertebrate eyeballs Action potential. In the future search to prove that this action potential originated in the visual field