2004年,中国金融业将如何进一步发展,尤其是上海在全力打造成为国际金融中心方面如何作为,倍受世人关注。为此,2003年11 月18-19日,上海社会科学院和上海国际金融研究中心在上海国际会议中心联合召开了“2004年中国(上海)金融形势分析会”。来自海内外的专家学者、政府官员等认真分析了当前我国金融发展的基本特点、矛盾问题、走势趋向和战略对策。这里摘选部分内容(根据录音整理,未经本人审阅),以飨读者。
In 2004, how the financial industry in China will further develop, especially how Shanghai is committed to building itself into an international financial center, attracts people’s attention. To this end, November 18-19, 2003, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Shanghai International Financial Research Center in Shanghai International Convention Center jointly held the “2004 China (Shanghai) Financial Situation Analysis Conference.” Experts and scholars from home and abroad, government officials, etc. have carefully analyzed the basic characteristics, contradictions, trends and strategic measures of China’s current financial development. Selected part of the content (according to the recording finishing, without my own review) to readers.