中等师范学校的生物课,教材内容多,要在一年时间完成教学任务,时间很紧。为了达到预期的效果,笔者根据多年的教学实践总结出,搞好生物教学应从抓好七个“第一”入手,因为,俗话说得好:良好的开端是成功的一半。 一、上好第一堂绪论课 绪论课又被称为起始课,它对于帮助学生明确生物课的学习目的,了解学习内容,激发他们学习生物的兴趣,具有十分重要的作用。并能发展他们爱好大自然的个性,为今后系统地学好生物学奠定基础。上绪论课时,学生一般要想这门课研究什么?为什么要学它等?
There are many biological courses in secondary normal schools, and there are many teaching materials. It is necessary to complete the teaching tasks in one year, and the time is very tight. In order to achieve the expected results, the author sums up the teaching practice based on many years. To do a good job in biology teaching, one should start from grasping the seven “firsts”. Because the saying goes well: A good beginning is half the success. First, the first good introduction class The introduction lesson, also known as the starting class, it has a very important role to help students clarify the purpose of learning biology, to understand the content of learning, to stimulate their interest in learning biology. And they can develop their personality that they love nature and lay the foundation for systematically studying biology in the future. During the introduction period, students generally want to study what is going on in this class, why should they learn it, etc?