小儿川崎病已成为儿科常见病种,鉴于早期应用丙种球蛋白加服阿司匹林可防止或减轻出现心血管系统并发症,故提高对不典型川崎病的认识更显重要。我院1990年~1998年收治非典型川崎病27例,现分析如下。 临床资料 本组27例均为不典型川崎病,男16例,女11例。<1岁16例,2岁~5岁8例,~7岁3例。临床特征:全部病例均发热持续5天以上,恢复期均有指、趾端膜状脱皮,唇鲜红、皲裂、干燥12例(44.4%),结膜充血10例(37.0%),颈淋巴结肿大8例(29.6%),皮疹8例(29.6%)。
Kawasaki disease in children has become a common pediatric diseases, in view of the early application of gamma globulin plus aspirin can prevent or reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular complications, so to improve awareness of atypical Kawasaki disease is even more important. Our hospital from 1990 to 1998 admitted to atypical Kawasaki disease in 27 cases, are analyzed as follows. Clinical data The group of 27 cases were atypical Kawasaki disease, 16 males and 11 females. <1 year old 16 cases, 2 years old ~ 5 years old 8 cases, ~ 7 years old 3 cases. Clinical features: All cases were fever for more than 5 days, convalescence were finger, toe end of the membrane peeling, lip red, chapped, dry in 12 cases (44.4%), conjunctival congestion in 10 cases (37.0%), cervical lymph node enlargement 8 cases (29.6%), skin rash in 8 cases (29.6%).