A successful script, onto the stage, the performance is good or not? And the actor is good or not? A good actress, in itself, can be a director; a good director can “steer” the not-so-good but well-conditioned cast of the actor and raise the performer’s level. What is a good director? A good director should play a “finishing touch” role, rather than “superfluous”, “dogtail ferret.” In recent years, the director belongs to the latter a lot. Some people who enjoy the reputation of “director” are not “leading” to the content provided in the script, but to “add” to the play outside of the script. Even the added drama, nothing to do with the script. Will actress as a “symbol”, “pawn”, regardless of plot and role, at your mercy. Drama actors, especially historical drama, wear thick-soled boots, the most afraid of the platform. They are used in all directions, but also used exclusively