Shelley, a famous British poet who lived in the early eighteenth century, at the end of the eighteenth century, once wrote a poem in which the protagonist of the poem, Shen Xi, is a ruthless domestic tyrant and absurd person who is an extreme egoist, At the same time, he is also a lustful and unscrupulous person in pursuit of his own purpose.He is a well-behaved, raped biological daughter, and his daughter desperately hired several people to kill his father.This is a typical case of domestic violence.Family violence against women The infringement of children has always become the focus of the protection of rights and interests of women and children, of which the vicious incident intensified, has aroused widespread concern of sociologists.According to a survey of women’s and children’s protection commission last year, the city occurred a total of domestic violence disputes 3899 cases, 502 cases of serious injury, 818 cases of minor injuries.City Women’s Federation Office of Information and Visiting received a total of 1072 letters and visits in the past three years, including domestic violence 348