In accordance with the confusion on classification of source rocks, the authors raised a source rock classification for its enriched and dispersed organic matter types based on both Alpern’s idea and maceral genesis/composition. The determined rock type is roughly similar to palynofacies of Combaz , whereas it is “rock maceral facies (for coal viz. coal facies)” in strictly speaking. Therefore, it is necessary to use the organic ingredients classification proposed by the authors so that it can be used for both maceral analysis and environment research . This source rock classification not only shows sedimentology and diagenetic changes but also acquires organic matter type even if hydrocarbon potential derived from maceral’s geochemical parameters. So, it is considered as genetic classification. The “rock maceral facies” may be transformed to sedimentary organic facies , which is used as quantitative evaluation means if research being perfect.Now, there are many models in terms of structure either for coal or for kerogen. In our opinion, whatever coal or kerogen ought be polymer, then we follow Combaz’s thought and study structure of amorphous kerogens which are accordance with genetic mechanism showing biochemical and geochemical process perfectly. Here, we use the time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOFSIMS) to expand Combaz’s models from three to five. They are also models for coal.
In accordance with the confusion on classification of source rocks, the authors raised a source rock classification for its enriched and dispersed organic matter types based on both Alpern’s idea and maceral genesis / composition. The determined rock type is similar to palynofacies of Combaz, while it is “rock strictly facies (for coal viz. coal facies) ” in strictly speaking. Therefore, it is necessary to to use the organic ingredients classification proposed by the authors so that it can be used for both maceral analysis and environment research. This source rock classification not only shows sedimentology and diagenetic changes but also organic matter type even if hydrocarbon potential derived from maceral’s geochemical parameters. So, it is considered as genetic classification. The “rock maceral facies” may be transformed to sedimentary organic facies, which is used as quantitative evaluation means if research being perfect. Now, there are many models in terms of structure either for coal or for kerogen. In our opinion, whatever coal or kerogen ought be polymer, then we follow Combaz’s thought and study structure of amorphous kerogens which are accordance with genetic mechanism showing biochemical and geochemical process perfectly. Here , we use the time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOFSIMS) to expand Combaz’s models from three to five. They are also models for coal.