1 会议概况笔者于2001年4月21~26日应美国天然气化工利用学术会议主席Dr.Richard G.Mallinson教授的邀请赴美参加2001年春季天然气化工利用学术会议(2001 Spring National Meeting for Natural GasUtitization Conference)。会后顺访了美国两所大学。本次会议主办单位是美国化学工程师学会,同时由美国能源部资助AIChE Spring NationalMeeting 2001会议召开,其中共有10个会议专题(天然气化工利用是其中之一)。会议在美国德州休斯顿市举行,与会人数近千,来自美国、中国、英国、加拿大、德国、意大利、日本、印度、澳大利亚、荷兰、瑞士.俄罗斯、墨西哥、波兰、芬兰、南韩、朝鲜、印尼、希腊、南非、委内瑞拉、尼日利亚、巴西、新加坡、比利
1 Conference Overview The author went to the United States to participate in the 2001 spring natural gas chemical utilization conference (2001 Spring National Meeting for Natural GasUtitization Conference) on April 21-26, 2001, at the invitation of Dr. Richard G.Mallinson, chairman of the conference on natural gas chemical utilization in the United States ). After the meeting visited two U.S. universities. The conference sponsor is the American Society of Chemical Engineers and is sponsored by the US Department of Energy for the AIChE Spring National Meeting 2001. There are 10 conference topics (Natural Gas Chemical Utilization is one of them). The meeting was held in Houston, Texas, with nearly 1,000 participants from the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, India, Australia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Russia, Mexico, Poland, Finland, South Korea, North Korea, Indonesia, Greece, South Africa, Venezuela, Nigeria, Brazil, Singapore, Billy