任何恐怖组织成功制造威胁和实施袭击,都要依赖它所掌握的反恐资源和其积累的各种自然及社会的消极因素。 2005年8月31日,来自巴格达及外省的约100万名穆斯林当天聚集在巴格达的伊玛目卡齐姆清真寺附近,人流汇集在一座名为艾阿马的桥上,顿时造成拥挤不堪。突然有人慌称发现自杀式炸弹袭击者,人群立即像炸了锅一般,人们拼命夺路而逃,许多老人、小孩和妇女被践踏身亡,更多的人被挤到河中溺水身亡,截至9月1日晚死亡人数近千人。
Any terrorist organization that successfully manufactures the threat and attacks it depends on the counter-terrorism resources it possesses and the various negative natural and social factors it has accumulated. On August 31, 2005, about 1 million Muslims from Baghdad and other provinces gathered near the Imam Qazim Mosque in Baghdad on the same day and crowds were gathered on a bridge named Aimah, causing overcrowding. Suddenly someone was panic that suicide bombers were found, the crowd immediately like a frying pan, people fled for help, many elderly people, children and women trampled dead, more people were squeezed into the river drowning death, as of September The number of deaths on the 1st of nearly a thousand people.