《图书馆研究与工作》(国内统一刊号:CN33-1398/G2;国际标准刊号:ISSN 2096-2363)为大16开,96页,月刊,每期定价22元,是浙江省内唯一正式出版的图书馆学情报学专业期刊。由本刊编辑部自办发行,2018年出版12期,共264元(免收杂志邮寄费),欢迎广大新老客户订阅。凡订2018年度本刊的单位和个人,请以信汇方式将订购款汇到下列账号,或以邮汇的方式
“Library Research and Work” (the national unified serial number: CN33-1398 / G2; international standard serial number: ISSN 2096-2363) for the 16 open, 96 pages, monthly price of 22 yuan each period, is the only in Zhejiang Province The official journal of library science and information science. Published by the editorial department of this magazine, issued in 2018 12, a total of 264 yuan (free magazine fee), welcome new and old customers to subscribe. Where sets of units and individuals 2018 annual publication, please remittances to order the remittance to the following account, or by post the way