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目的探讨毛茛总苷对人胃癌MGC803细胞血管生成拟态的影响及其机制。方法采用细胞黏附实验观察毛茛总苷对MGC803细胞黏附作用的影响;通过细胞划痕实验检测毛茛总苷对MGC803细胞迁移能力的影响;通过Matrigel肿瘤细胞类血管生成模型实验观察毛茛总苷对MGC803细胞体外类血管生成的作用;半定量RT-PCR方法检测毛茛总苷对MGC803细胞血管生成拟态相关基因表达的影响。结果毛茛总苷有效抑制MGC803细胞黏附、细胞迁移以及MGC803细胞介导的体外类血管生成;明显抑制MGC803细胞血管生成拟态相关基因VE-cadherin、sema 4D和integrinβ5的表达。结论毛茛总苷通过抑制血管生成拟态相关基因VE-cadherin、sema 4D和integrinβ5的表达来抑制MGC803细胞黏附、细胞迁移和血管生成拟态。 Objective To investigate the effect of total butterannone on the vasculogenic mimicry of human gastric cancer cell line MGC803 and its mechanism. Methods Cell adhesion assay was used to observe the effect of total buttercup glycosides on the adhesion of MGC803 cells. The cell scratch assay was used to determine the effects of total buttercups on the migration ability of MGC803 cells. Matrigel tumor angiogenesis model was used to observe the effect of total buttermint on MGC803 cells In vitro angiogenesis. The effect of glycosides of Ranunculus ternata on the expression of mimicry related genes of angiogenesis in MGC803 cells was examined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Results The total glycosides of Ranunculus japonicus could effectively inhibit the adhesion of MGC803 cells, the migration of cells and the in vitro angiogenesis mediated by MGC803 cells, and significantly inhibited the expression of VE-cadherin, sema 4D and integrinβ5 in MGC803 cells. Conclusion The total glycosides of Ranunculus japonica could inhibit the adhesion, cell migration and vasculogenic mimicry of MGC803 cells by inhibiting the expression of VE-cadherin, sema 4D and integrinβ5.
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