正当维也纳举行的世界人民和平大会宣告胜利闭幕之际,“加强国际和平”斯大林国际奖金委员会宣布了一九五二年奖金得奖人的名单。七位得奖的杰出和平战士中,有一位是德国的革命诗人约翰尼斯·罗勃特·贝希尔(JohannesRobert Becher)。这在帝国主义者加紧武装西德的今天,对正在积极反侵略的德国人民是有力的鼓舞,同时也标志着世界人民和平力量的日益壮大和国际和平运动的一定胜利。贝希尔於一八九一年五月二十二日生在慕尼黑的一个检察官的家庭里。後来他在大学里研究语言学、哲学和医学,但他一心只希望能成为一个作家或编辑。他很早就写诗,一九一一年,他发表了
As the World Peace Assembly in Vienna concludes its victory, the Stalin International Bonus Council for “Strengthening International Peace” announced the list of winners of the 1952 bonus. Among the seven winners of the outstanding peace, one is German revolutionary poet Johannes Robert Becher. This is the impetus of the imperialists in stepping up their armed West Germany today. It is a great encouragement to the German people who are aggressively opposing aggression. At the same time, it also marks the growing strength of peace for the people of the world and the certain victory of the international peace movement. Bachir was born on May 22, 1891, in the family of a prosecutor in Munich. Later he studied linguistics, philosophy and medicine in college, but he bent on becoming a writer or editor. He wrote poetry very early, and in 1911 he published it