点评: 食品包装需要突出其鲜明的地方特色或其独特的风味。“京味蜜饯”的红金色调和有特色的北京建筑上的梁柱装饰图案把我们带到北京传统食品的氛围中。果味巧克力有果味的图形揭示,仍不失“巧克力”食品的基调。儿童脸谱糖果包装增加了童趣,也颇有创意。家乡糕点包装褚晓勤
Comments: food packaging need to highlight its distinctive local characteristics or its unique flavor. The red and gold tones of “Beijing Preserved Fruit” and the distinctive beam-and-column decorative patterns of Beijing architecture bring us to the atmosphere of Beijing’s traditional food. Fruity chocolate with fruity graphics reveals the keynote of “chocolate” food. Children’s face candy packaging adds childlike, but also quite creative. Chu Xiaoqin home cakes packaging