中国的制药工业在近十年间发展迅速,生物制药工业的增长是国家G D P增长的2.5倍。目前国内药品市场上化学药占70%,中药占24%,生物技术药占6%;而这其中,非处方药占15%,仿制药占62%,商品非专利药占14%,创新药仅占9%,过去的几年间国内的制药企业和研发机构的整体情况是:虽已拥有35
China’s pharmaceutical industry has been developing rapidly in the last decade, with the biopharmaceutical industry growing at 2.5 times the national GDP growth. At present, there are 70% of chemical drugs on the domestic pharmaceutical market, 24% of traditional Chinese medicines and 6% of biotech drugs. Among them, over-the-counter drugs account for 15%, generic drugs account for 62% and commercial generic drugs account for 14% 9% over the past few years the overall situation of the domestic pharmaceutical companies and research and development institutions are: Although already has 35