我所自1974年以来,先后在蕃茄、辣椒、黄瓜、菜豆、西瓜、桃、梨和水稻等多种作物上试用百菌清。结果证明百菌清对蕃茄晚疫病、黄瓜霜霉病、西瓜炭疽病、桃缩叶病、梨黑星病和水稻稻瘟病都有良好防效。现把主要试验结果整理如下,供参考。蕃茄晚疫病为了寻找对蕃茄晚疫病防治效果更理想的药剂,我所引进十余个不同类型的农药品种作蕃茄晚疫病防治试验。三年的小区试验和大面积防治示范初步看出: 1.百菌清对蕃茄晚疫病有优异的防治效
Since 1974, we have tried chlorothalonil on a variety of crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, watermelons, peaches, pears and rice. The results showed that chlorothalonil has good control effects on tomato late blight, cucumber downy mildew, watermelon anthracnose, peach leaf blight, pear scab and rice blast. The main test results are summarized below, for reference. Late Blight Tomato In order to find out more effective control of tomato late blight, I have introduced more than ten different types of pesticides for tomato late blight prevention and control. Three years of district trials and large-scale prevention and control of the initial demonstration: 1. Chlorothalonil late tomato blight have excellent control effect