Analysis of the trend of global power sources based on comment emotion mining

来源 :全球能源互联网(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shixibaogao007
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In recent years, renewable energy technologies have been developed vigorously, and related supporting policies have been issued. The developmental trend of different energy sources directly affects the future developmental patt of the energy and power industry. Energy trend research can be quantified through data statistics and model calculations;however, parameter settings and optimization are difficult, and the analysis results sometimes do not reflect objective reality. This paper proposes an energy and power information analysis method based on emotion mining. This method collects energy commentary news and literature reports from many authoritative media around the world and builds a convolutional neural network model and a text analysis model for topic classification and positive/negative emotion evaluation, which helps obtain text evaluation matrixes for al col ected texts. Final y, a long-short-term memory model algorithm is employed to predict the future development prospects and market trends for various types of energy based on the analyzed emotions in different time spans. Experimental results indicate that energy trend analysis based on this method is consistent with the real scenario, has good applicability, and can provide a useful reference for the development of energy and power resources and of other industry areas as wel .
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我们知道,阅读古诗要善于展开想象的翅膀,在头脑中浮现出生动可感的画面来。然而,展开想象、浮现画面必须要以正确地理解词语和诗句的意思为前 We know that reading ancien
阿凡提借来几两金子,骑毛驴来到野外,坐在沙滩上细细筛了起来。不一会儿,巴依老爷打猎从这儿经过,问道:“喂,阿凡提,你这是在干什么?” Afanti borrowed a few gold, riding
古时候,有一个和尚决定要到南海去。但他身无分文,况且路途遥远,交通又极不便利。但他没有被这些困难所阻拦,他只有一个信念:我一定要到南海去。 In ancient times, a monk
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诗歌是作者以丰富的感情和想象,节奏鲜明、和谐精练的语言,高度集中地反映社会生活的文学式样。鉴赏诗歌要注意把握以下几点: Poetry is the literary style of the author,