Objective To understand the prevalence and its accompanying factors of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the elderly in Shanghai. Methods Using epidemiological survey, 1214 residents in Shanghai urban and rural areas above 60 years of age were randomly surveyed and statistically analyzed. Results The prevalence of COPD was 12.11% in Shanghai elderly population, 6.47% in female and 18.94% in male; 7.98% in urban area and 16.7% in rural area. There was significant difference in gender and between urban and rural areas (P <0.05). COPD prevalence of high accompanying factors, education in men, indoor and kitchen ventilation, smoking and smoking years count, cough, wheezing, coal dust exposure history of 8; women have education, passive smoking, 3 respite, 3 respite inhabitants, 3 respite inhabitants, 3 respite inhabitants, 3 wheezing inhabitants, 5 inhabitant inhabitants in urban areas, cough, wheezing, age 5, sex, educational attainment, occupational exposure, smoking count, wheezing and age 6 among rural residents. Conclusion The prevalence of COPD in Shanghai residents over the age of 60 is significantly higher than that of females in rural areas and significantly higher in rural areas than in urban areas. Residents with more years of smoking often have respiratory symptoms, poor ventilation in the indoor environment, and people with low education are more susceptible to COPD.