Barlow’s current population has dropped by 3,000, down 4% from 2001, to 69,100. Although many locals have had to move outside Barrow to find work, Barrow’s industrial growth remains rosy. British manufacturing continued to suffer from a contraction in 2013. This decline was due in part to the economic downturn in the euro zone, a serious blow to exports; partly due to the bad weather, hitting local merchants. However, the declining trend does not affect some small towns still maintain the glorious tradition of the past, such as Barberry in Cambrian County Furness (hereinafter referred to Barrow). Most of the time, the town is not known, but it has always had a very unique title - the British ”working-class capital.“ Today, the manufacturing sector is sluggish as a whole, this town may be Britain’s last hope. Dave Mayer, already in his fifties, has been living in Barlow for a long time, and he himself is very satisfied with the title of ”the working class capital.“ He now lives with his wife and daughter, ”The working class means we are working, and we are proud of our town, where a small 200 million pound dock is still being built,