各自治州、市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县、市、市辖区、特区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 为进一步规范和加强乡(镇)煤炭产品验票管理工作,认真落实《省人民政府办公厅关于全省乡(镇)煤矿统一使用乡镇煤炭产品专用票据和统一税费标准的通知》(黔府办发〔1994〕24号)精神,防止税费流失,制止乱设站、乱收费,经省人民政府同意,特作如下通知: 一、各级各有关部门要切实加强对乡(镇)煤炭产品税费征收和使用管理工作的领导,严禁乱设卡、乱收费,切实减轻乡(镇)煤矿负担,促进乡(镇)煤矿健康发展。对煤炭产品的开票验票,原
All autonomous prefectures and municipal people’s governments, regional administrative offices, people’s governments of all counties (autonomous counties, cities, municipal districts and special economic zones) and departments and agencies directly under the provincial government: In order to further standardize and strengthen the administration of the inspection of township (town) coal products , Conscientiously implement the “General Office of the Provincial People’s Government on the township (town) coal mine uniform use of coal products for the township and towns unified bill and unified tax notice” (Qian Fu Ban Fa [1994] No. 24) to prevent loss of taxes and fees, To stop chaos stations and arbitrary charges, with the consent of the provincial people’s government, special notice as follows: First, all relevant departments at all levels should conscientiously strengthen the township (town) tax levied on coal products and the management of the use of leadership is strictly prohibited , Arbitrary charges, and effectively reduce the burden on township (town) coal mines, and promote the healthy development of township (town) coal mines. The invoicing of coal products, the original