(2002年5月20日浙江省财政厅、浙江省统计局浙财政字[2002]17号文发布 自发布之日起施行)第一条 为鼓励和引导社会公众揭发、检举统计违法行为,根据《中华人民共和国统计法》及其实施细则和《浙江省统计工作监督管理条例》等法律、法规,制定本规定。
(May 20, 2002, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance, Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics Zhezhengzhengzi [2002] No. 17 issued since the date of promulgation) Article 1 In order to encourage and guide the public to expose and prosecute statistical irregularities, according to “Statistics Law of the People’s Republic of China” and its implementing details and “Zhejiang Provincial Statistics Supervision and Management Ordinance” and other laws and regulations, the provisions of this provision.