Interview with Ma Xiushan,Deputy Secretary General,ChinaIntellectual Property Society
China's Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) system was established in 1985. In its 21 years of existence, it hasundergone unusual changes. IPR, as a new idea to be considered in constructing socialist market economy, helpspromote internationalization and implement the strategy of "walking out",is so important that the Central Govern-ment has paid special attention to it. In 2005, China launched a mission to draft a National IPR Strategy, and in or-der to do so, the State Council has organized a leading group called the National IPR Strategy Committee, whichis headed by Vice Premier Wu Yi. 28 State Council departments have also participated.
China's Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) system was established in 1985. In its 21 years of existence, it hasundergone unusual changes. IPR, as a new idea to be considered in constructing socialist market economy, helpspromote internationalization and implement the strategy of "walking out",is so important that the Central Govern-ment has paid special attention to it. In 2005, China launched a mission to draft a National IPR Strategy, and in or-der to do so, the State Council has organized a leading group called the National IPR Strategy Committee, whichis headed by Vice Premier Wu Yi. 28 State Council departments have also participated.