采用热溶剂萃取法从低阶煤和生物质废弃物中获得了一种萃取物,此萃取物收率高达61%,在100℃左右开始软化.然后以此萃取物为前驱体,通过热熔纺丝-有机溶剂处理-缓慢氧化-炭化的方法制得了炭纤维.通过元素分析、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、电子显微镜(SEM)等对炭纤维的形貌结构、物相组成等进行了表征分析,结果表明此炭纤维的基本性质与商业炭纤维相似.本方法是一种具有一定实际可行性的炭纤维制备新途径.“,”The practical use of carbon fibers is limited by their high price mainly due to the high price of precursors. We have ex-amined a high temperature solvent extraction method to prepare carbon fiber precursors from low-rank coals and biomass, using a lignite from Australia and rice straw. 1-methylnaphthalene at 350 ℃ was used for the extraction and some of the extract in the sol-vent was precipated at room temperature. The soluble fractions at room temperature were obtained for use as the precursors by sol-vent evaporation. They were spun into fibers by a centrifuge spinning system and were then were extracted by cyclohexane to in-crease the softening point, stabilized by a temperature-programmed thermal treatment in air from 80 ℃ to 330 ℃ and carbonized at 1000 ℃ for 1 h in N2 to obtain carbon fibers. The carbon and oxygen contents of the final carbon fibers were 92 and 6. 0 wt%, re-spectively, similar to those of commercial carbon fibers. The fiber diameter was around 4-6μm. The soluble fractions were found to be promising low-cost precursors for carbon fibers.