本文对91例突发性聋患者划分三个组进行治疗,以观察对比高压氧及星状神经节阻滞的疗效。第一组为对照组计22例,病期均在2周以内。采用地塞米松、维生素B、血管舒缓素(Kallikrein)、核甙合剂(nuclesoide mixed)及羟甲基丙醇(hydroxy methyl-propanol)等药物治疗。第二组采用星状神经节阻滞及高压氧治疗计49例,其中病期在2周以内19例;2周以上4周以内9例;4周以上6周以内8例;超过6周13例。对星状神经阻滞的目的是避免患者在进行高压氧治疗时引起脑血管收缩而影响到耳蜗血供。在作好星状神经节阻滞出现Horner氏症候群后
In this paper, 91 cases of sudden deaf patients were divided into three groups for treatment, in order to observe the effect of hyperbaric oxygen and stellate ganglion block. The first group of 22 cases of control group, the disease period were less than 2 weeks. Treatment with dexamethasone, vitamin B, Kallikrein, nuclesoide mixed and hydroxymethyl-propanol. In the second group, 49 cases were treated with stellate ganglion block and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, of which 19 cases were within 2 weeks, 9 cases were more than 2 weeks, 4 cases were more than 6 weeks, 8 cases were more than 6 weeks, example. The purpose of stellate nerve block is to avoid patients in the hyperbaric oxygen therapy to cause cerebral vasoconstriction and affect the cochlear blood supply. After the stellate ganglion block appears Horner’s syndrome