看过一部叫做《商海通牒》电影的人,大概都会对里面的一句台词印象深刻,电影里那位投行领袖提到了他认为的3种商业生存之道:Be First(成为第一),Be Smarter(更加聪明),or Cheat(欺骗)。在过去中国经济高速增长时期,这3种方式确实成就了今天的大部分企业。但到今天,行业“第一”容易被模仿,各项法规政策和商业环境逐渐成熟的条件使“欺骗”变得困难,而“聪明”也就只能是创新了。我们深知创新的重要性,但在创新之前我们
People who have watched a movie called “Tong Hai Tong 大” probably would have been impressed with the lines in the movie. The investment bank leader mentioned three commercial survival ways he believes: Be First (Be the first), Be Smarter (smarter), or Cheat (deception). In the past China’s rapid economic growth, these three kinds of methods have indeed made most of today’s enterprises. However, as of today, the industry’s “firsts” can easily be imitated. The conditions under which laws and policies and the business environment are gradually maturing make “cheating” difficult. And “smartness” can only be innovative. We know the importance of innovation, but before we innovate