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笔者近日接到就读的美国耶鲁大学图书馆的逾期罚款通知,到图书馆后方知是对方电脑系统出错,于是请求值班馆员把罚款从记录里删除。馆员告诉我他无能为力,因为:1.这不是他的职责范围;2.图书馆有规定,严禁越权行事;3.他没有改动记录所需的电脑密码,所以无法进... Recently, the author received a notice of overdue fines from Yale University Library in the United States. When he got behind the library, he noticed that there was something wrong with the other computer system and requested the librarian on duty to remove the fine from the record. Librarian told me he can do nothing because: 1. This is not his area of ​​responsibility; 2. The library has stipulated that ultra vires are forbidden to act; 3. He did not change the password required to record the computer, so unable to enter ...
2005年在丽江,我和一些素不相识的人组成一支临时团队,计划沿滇藏线进藏。  途经梅里雪山,我们在飞来寺停下去转山。同行一个北京女大学生不经意间说自己的腿有些肿,出于职业习惯我询问了她的既往病史。女生说她有再生障碍性贫血,在京时几乎每个月都要去输血。我当时就愣住了:那你为什么还要到高原来?再障患者的血液携氧功能本来就很差,更何况是在高原。女生说:“到西藏是我的人生梦想,这一路走来,非常开心,就算死