,Algorithm Regulation Under the Framework of Human Rights Protection— From the perspective of Toront

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The application of artificial intelligence algorithms in public services brings with it issues such as algorithmic discrimination and inequality. The discussion of the ethics and regulation of algo-rithms, from the legal perspective, is actually the relationship between intelligent algorithms and the protection of human rights. in response to the discrimination and prejudice of algorithmic violations of human rights, a coalition of nonprofit organizations released the Toronto Declaration on Machine Leaing regulates the development and use of algorithms with the principle of "due process." The Ethics Guide-lines for Trustworthy Ai issued by the European union in 2019 focus on the participants in algorithm development. While uS courts that the algorithms enjoy the right to "freedom of speech". China should lea from the foreign algorithm regulation experience, and seek to establish an overall framework of govement regulation that balances the need for technological innovation and commercial competition with human rights protection.
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