我市小麦生长期间常遭渍害威胁,据近20年气象资料多雨年份造成三麦减产机率为 39%。 1998年小麦生长期间遭受历史上罕见的高温多雨寡照天气,1997年10月20日至1998年5月31日,平均气温比常年高2℃左右,降雨量达689mm,比常年多290.6mm
During the growth of wheat in our city, it is often threatened with waterlogging. According to the rainy years of meteorological data in recent 20 years, the reduction rate of three wheat is 39%. During the wheat growing season in 1998, it suffered a rare high-temperature, rainy and rainy weather in history. From October 20, 1997 to May 31, 1998, the average temperature was about 2 ℃ higher than that of normal years. The rainfall reached 689mm, 290.6mm more than usual