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本文详细介绍了SIS海冰模式中引进两种盐度参数化方案即等盐度方案和盐度廓线方案对海冰模拟所存在的差异。利用盐度廓线方案导出的表征盐度与海冰温度间关系的方程比等盐度方案多出一项,将定义为盐度差异项。盐度差异项对海冰厚度的热力作用表现为:在海冰厚度增长季节(11月到次年5月),盐度差异项通过升高海冰内部温度,抑制海冰增长;在消融的第一阶段(6-8月),盐度差异项通过升高海冰内部温度加快海冰消融;在消融的第二阶段(9-10月),盐度差异项通过降低海冰内部的温度抑制海冰消融。但尺度分析表明,盐度差异项要比方程中队海冰温度作用最大项小1-2个量级,如果采用一级近似,可以略去盐度差异项,因此盐度差异项对海冰增长和消融影响很小。同时利用冰洋耦合模式(Modular Ocean Model,MOM4),分别采用两种盐度参数化方案模拟北极海冰厚度和海冰密集度的季节性变化,模拟结果也表明两种方案模拟得到的海冰厚度和海冰密集度的季节性变化相差甚小。 This paper describes in detail the differences in sea ice simulations introduced in the SIS sea ice model by introducing two salinity parameterization schemes, the isobaric salinity scheme and the salinity profile scheme. The equation derived from the salinity profile scheme that expresses the relationship between salinity and sea-ice temperature is one more than the salinity-based scheme and is defined as the salinity difference term. The thermodynamic effects of the salinity difference on sea ice thickness are as follows: During the sea ice thickness increasing season (November to next May), the salinity difference suppresses the sea ice growth by increasing the sea ice internal temperature. In the first During June to August, the salinity difference accelerated the sea ice ablation by raising the sea ice internal temperature. In the second phase of ablation (September-October), the salinity difference suppressed sea ice ablation by lowering the sea ice internal temperature . However, the scale analysis shows that the salinity difference term is 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than the maximum term of sea ice temperature function of the squadron. If the first-level approximation is adopted, the salinity difference term can be omitted, and therefore the salinity difference term increases the sea ice growth And ablation has little effect. At the same time, two salinity parameterization schemes were used to simulate the seasonal variations of sea ice thickness and sea ice concentration in the Arctic, respectively, using the Modular Ocean Model (MOM4). The simulation results also show that sea ice There is little difference between seasonal changes in thickness and sea ice concentration.
目的 探讨预见性护理对缓解日间肛肠手术患者疼痛及焦虑情绪的影响.方法 选取该医院日间治疗中心收治的145例肛肠手术患者为研究对象,知情同意后按随机数表法分为试验组与对
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目的 人性化服务在内科门诊护理管理中的应用研究.方法 本次研究选取本院2019年7月-2020年1月收治内科门诊就诊患者62例,按照电脑随机法将其分为了对照组和实验组两组.分析差
目的 人性化管理在门诊护理工作中的应用与探讨.方法 本次研究选取本院2019年6月-2020年11月收治内科门诊就诊患者86例,按照电脑随机法将其分为了对照组和实验组两组;两组患
目的 探讨研究应用腹部CT扫描对急性胰腺炎患者并发症的诊断,以及对患者的预测预后中的作用效果.方法 选取我院2020年1月—2020年10月收治的急性胰腺炎患者100例,根据检查方