创建“青年文明号”活动是实施跨世纪青年文明工程的重要组成部分。自 1994年江泽民总书记题写“青年文明号”以来,全国各地“青年文明号”创建活动开展得如火如荼。 长航系统“青年文明号”创建活动起步早、效果好,已涌现 9个国家级、 25个省部级、 100多个长航局级“青
The creation of “Youth Civilization” is an important part of the project to carry out the cross-century youth civilization. Since General Secretary Jiang Zemin inscribed on “Youth Civilization” in 1994, the “Youth Civilization” has been vigorously inaugurated throughout the country. Changchun Hanguang System “Youth Civilization” to create activities started early, good effect, there have been 9 national, 25 provincial and ministerial level, more than 100 Changzhou Administration level "green