
来源 :史学理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yatang
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18世纪欧洲的古史研究继承了文艺复兴的遗产,在文献搜集和整理、史实考订、考古学和碑铭学等领域都取得了一定的进展。法国和英国学者在此基础上,撰写了一批多卷本、大部头的古代史、希腊史和罗马史著作。虽然这些著述的质量无法与19世纪专业史学的成果相比,但它们为19世纪的讨论设定了问题的框架,提出了众多值得重视的看法。学者们经世致用的精神,为后世树立了良好榜样,对当时实际的政治生活和思想发展都产生了一定影响。 The study of the ancient history of Europe in the 18th century inherited the Renaissance heritage and made some progress in the fields of literature collection and collation, historical facts, archeology and inscription. On the basis of this, French and British scholars have written a number of books on ancient, ancient and Roman history. Although the quality of these writings can not be compared with the achievements of professional historiography in the nineteenth century, they set the framework for the issue for the discussion of the nineteenth century and put forward many worthy opinions. Scholars have adopted the spirit of being world-class and have set a good example for the future, which has had an impact on the actual political life and ideological development at that time.
陈明岭教授认为玫瑰痤疮多系湿热火毒上熏于面,外界风寒邪气入里扰乱脏腑功能,引起内外合邪而发病.治疗方法 上可采用中医内外合治法,内清脏腑湿热,外治使药物直达面部皮损,