本文拟从认知学和阐释学角度简析文学名著复译的经典原则。在此基础上,以Gone with the Wind的诸译本为例,细析文学翻译中源语文化冲击演变。随着读者跨文化意识的增强,对源语文化的接受度增大,译语文化的介入逐渐减弱。文学名著的复译策略正从全盘归化趋为异化崛起。在关系到源语文化与译语文化可能形成冲突的问题时,如何平衡源语文化的传播和译文的自然通顺,成了译家复译时所追求的全新制高点。
This article intends to analyze the classical principles of retelling in the literary world from the perspective of cognitive science and hermeneutics. On this basis, taking the translations of Gone with the Wind as an example, this essay analyzes the evolution of source language culture in literary translation. With the reader’s awareness of intercultural awareness and the acceptance of the source language culture, the involvement of the target language culture is gradually weakened. Literary master’s translation strategy is alienating from the overall domestication. When it comes to the possible conflict between the source language culture and the target language culture, how to balance the transmission of the source language culture and the natural translation of the target language becomes the brand-new high ground pursued by the translator.