The controversy over the Prebisch-Singh proposition (the deterioration of the terms of trade) has never ceased since the 1950s. In the 21st century, it is still necessary to re-examine the changes in the terms of trade in developing countries. Due to the tremendous demand for raw materials and other primary products due to the rapid development of some emerging developing countries, the world has entered a period of high natural resources. In recent years, the terms of trade of primary products have been significantly improved, posing new challenges to the Prebisch-Singh hypothesis. For this reason, this article attempts to answer the question of whether the Prebisch-Singh hypothesis still applies in the new international economic context. This paper argues that the Prebisch-Singh proposition reveals a historic trend of “long-term and totalitarianism.” As commodity prices tend to be quite volatile and volatile, the improvement in their terms of trade in recent years is obviously short-term, temporary and phased and not sufficient as a basis for long-term judgment. Prebisch-Singh proposition still has the applicability and practical significance.