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李曼霞:现任麦当劳(中国)有限公司人力资源副总裁。她毕业于香港理工大学,拥有市场营销及商业管理学士学位;同时还获得了南澳大利亚大学工商管理学学士学位,并且是金钥匙协会和香港商务及专业妇女协会成员。1987年,她以兼职员工身份加入麦当劳,担任过餐厅中从基层员工到管理组的所有职位。郭可尊:现任AMD全球高级副总裁、AMD中国公司总裁兼总经理。她是AMD中国区业务的最高负责人,也是AMD全球企业发展执行委员会委员。加盟AMD之前,郭可尊曾出任摩托罗拉中国研究院院长和数字基因中国实验室主任,全权负责摩托罗拉在中国区的科研发展。受聘于摩托罗拉之前,她曾出任中国国家智能计算机研究中心副主任及中国科学院计算所副研究员。金锡顺:现任北京世博伟业房地产开发有限公司董事长、总经理。1985年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学管理学院,大学毕业后在某政府机关做审计员,1992年“半下海”到事业单位做主管会计,1994年初被一家民营企业高薪聘用,从财务总监做到主管财务和行政事务的副总裁,直至2001年组建了自己的公司,开发诚品建筑、“马奈草地”、“创意北京”等项目。 Li Manxia: current McDonald’s (China) Co., Ltd. Vice President of human resources. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing and business administration from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of South Australia. She is also a member of the Golden Key Association and the Hong Kong Business and Professional Women’s Association. In 1987, she joined McDonald’s as a part-time employee and held all the positions in the restaurant from grassroots staff to management team. Guo Kezun: current senior vice president of AMD, AMD China president and general manager. She is the highest in charge of AMD business in China, but also AMD Global Business Development Executive Committee. Prior to joining AMD, Guo Kezun served as President of Motorola China Research Institute and director of digital gene Chinese lab, responsible for Motorola’s research and development in China. Prior to her appointment at Motorola, she served as Deputy Director of China National Smart Computer Research Center and Associate Professor of Computing at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Jin Xishun: He is currently Chairman and General Manager of Beijing World Expo Albert Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. In 1985 graduated from the Harbin Institute of Technology School of Management, after graduating from college to be a government agency auditor, 1992 “half sea” to institutions to do charge accounting, early 1994 was hired by a private enterprise, done from the chief financial officer Vice President of Finance and Administrative Affairs until 2001 set up his own company to develop projects such as Eslite Building, “Manet grass ”, “Creative Beijing ” and so on.
The study of cyclic codes over rings has generated a lot of public interest.In this paper,we study cyclic codes and their dual codes over the ring Z P2 of lengt
水文巡测化工作是中国水文现代化必须经过的阶段,也是中国水文现代化的标志。水文巡测是中国水文现代化的必然产物,是21 世纪水文资料收集的主要手段和方式,是水文基层测站管理
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