Autumn Fair 2019 features self-owned brands

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  Autumn Fair 2019, organized by ITE, will be held from 1-4 September, at the National Exhibition Center, Birmingham,UK.
  Autumn Fair is a gathering place for many designers, manufacturers and retailers. For four days, more than 22,000 trade visitors, 1,000 exhibitors in 7 exhibition areas, thousands of suppliers and brands will gather here. All participants can meet new customers, make new partners, contact retailers, and make new friends. This is an ideal procurement platform, allowing the exhibitors brands to go international, and fully displaying new products to potential customers. The companies are encouraged to take advantage of the momentum and seize business opportunities. Visitors to the show include thousands of retail buyers and professionals, thousands of independent stores, high-profile multinational companies, and popular online retailers. In addition, interior designers, contractors, hotel owners, restaurant owners, garden center owners, contractors and more will come to touch and experience new products.

  In the past years, there were more and more exhibitors with self-owned brands. This shows that the retailers hope to sell more products through the fair rather than just put on a short-term promotion. A recent IRi survey shows that the self-owned brands market ration has been increasing for 4 consecutive years, and by 52% last year alone.
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