蔬菜的种类不同,在不同的生育期对肥料的要求也不相同。所以,对蔬菜追肥应分类进行,以获取最大的经济效益。 一、叶菜类如白菜、菠菜、芹菜等,均以食用嫩叶为主,整个生长期都是营养生长,追肥应以速效氮肥为主,到了生长盛期,还需增施磷钾肥,如大白菜到了莲座期和包心期
Different types of vegetables, fertilizer requirements at different growth stages are not the same. Therefore, the top dressing should be classified vegetables to get the most economic benefits. First, leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, celery, etc., are mainly edible leaves, vegetative growth throughout the growing season, top-dressing nitrogen should be the main, to the growth of the peak, the need to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium, such as Chinese cabbage to the rosette period and package heart