我国旅游城市众多,城市旅游的可持续发展正成为旅游研究的重要领域。生态足迹(ecological footprint)理论以其理论、方法的创新性和实践的可操作性,为旅游可持续发展研究提供了新思路和新方法。基于生态足迹的理论,从旅游者消费结构特征出发,将城市旅游生态足迹划分为旅游交通、餐饮、住宿、购物、游览、娱乐等6个方面,并对福建省福州市的旅游生态足迹进行了测评,计算出2005年福州市的人均均衡旅游生态足迹为0.039795hm2,其中旅游交通的生态占用比重最大,达64.4%;化石能源地的土地类型占用最多,为66.9%,旅游活动对总生态赤字的贡献率为7.6%。旅游生态足迹的实证分析表明,城市旅游活动是一种对自然资源高需求和高消耗的综合性生活方式,是影响旅游目的地生态环境的重要因素。
Many tourist cities in China, the sustainable development of urban tourism is becoming an important area of tourism research. Ecological footprint theory provides new ideas and new methods for the study of sustainable development of tourism with its theory, method innovation and practical operability. Based on the theory of ecological footprint, this paper divides the ecological footprint of urban tourism into six aspects of tourism transportation, catering, accommodation, shopping, sightseeing and entertainment based on the characteristics of tourist consumption structure. The ecological footprint of tourism in Fuzhou, Fujian Province And calculated that the average ecological footprint of per capita tourism in Fuzhou was 0.039795hm2 in 2005, of which the proportion of tourism traffic occupied the largest, accounting for 64.4%; the type of land occupied by fossil fuels was the highest (66.9%), the total ecological deficit The contribution rate was 7.6%. The empirical analysis of tourism ecological footprint shows that urban tourism activity is an integrated way of life with high demand and high consumption of natural resources and is an important factor affecting the ecological environment of tourist destinations.