Strong Protests

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  On August 15,the anmversary ofJapan's defeat in world War II,
Local govemments have been told theymust take responsibility for cuttingenergy consumption, after figures forthe first half of this year show thecountry’s energy needs are continuingto rise.
China’s emergence as a key player inAfrica, the impact of its presenceand its challenges to traditionalWestern pre-eminence in Africaneconomies are one of the hallmarksof the 21st century. Two-way tra
On the eve of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, to beheld between November 2 and 5 in Beijing, Beijing Reviewreporter Li Li talks with South Africanthe founder and Managing Director of The Beijin
It was a big day for Confucius afi-cionados this September when astandardized image of their idol wasunveiled by the China ConfuciusFoundation (CCF), marking the2557th anniversary of his birth.
Fan Gang,52,aproponent of employ-ing a tight monetary policy coupled with an expansionary macro-economic policy to stimulate China's domestic demand,
The Beijing 2008 Olympics is a giantmagnet for real estate investment,but how far-reaching is its pull? Is ita good time to buy real estate in sec-ond-tier cities? And could a bal-looning worldwide re
Shanghai, China’s economic centerwhere some of the 2008 Olympicfootball matches will be held, isquite enthusiastic about the Games,although the international focuswill be on Beijing.
High-quality but inexpensive Chineseautomobiles have gradually won theconfidence of the African market andare becoming a bright new link inSino-African economic ties. OnSeptember 4, a total of 400 Pol
The question needs to be asked is it normal businesspractice, anywhere, to have one person in control of allaspects of your country operations?  No, it isn’t. And with very good reason:
Inaugurated as a vehicle to improve cooperation betweenChina and the African continent in 2000, the annual Forumon China-Africa Cooperation has become a platform forcommunication and cooperation.