企业管理 以人为本

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以人为本的管理,是指在企业管理过程中,以人为出发点和中心,围绕激发和调动人的主动性、创造性展开的以实现人与企业共同发展的一系列管理活动。一、“以人为本”的管理的特征(1)坚持以人为出发点的中心指导思想。在企业管理中,管理的主体是人,管理的首要客体也是人,可以说,管理活动是人的活动。作为管理客体中的人,具有天生两面属性:一是客观性,即人本身有客观存在的个性、期望、需求等等,因而作为管理者必须主动去了解和把握他们的 People-oriented management refers to a series of management activities that take people as the starting point and center, and inspire and mobilize people's initiative and creatively to achieve the common development of people and enterprises in the process of enterprise management. First, the “people-oriented” management characteristics (1) adhere to the people as the starting point of the central guiding ideology. In business management, the main body of management is man, the chief object of management is also man, it can be said that management activities are human activities. As a person in the management of the object, has a natural two-sided attributes: First, the objectivity, that is, the person itself has an objective personality, expectations, needs, and so on, so as a manager must take the initiative to understand and grasp their
◎ 策划/本刊编辑部执行/申艳    在这里,孩子该经历什么,又会学到什么?三四年的园所生活,对孩子的一生发展,承担着什么样的“任务”?      学习怎么和小伙伴相处  问父母们为何送孩子上幼儿园,得到最多的回答是“为了和小伙伴交往”。这并不意外,这个时代的孩子们尤其缺乏和同龄伙伴接触的机会。幼儿园是孩子走出家庭后进入的第一个集体,在这里,孩子学习着简单的处事方式,尝试着和同伴友好相处。一次语言