Fundamental solutions for transversely isotropic magneto-electro-elastic media and boundary integral

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:henrychen999
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To obtain the fundamental solutions for computation of magneto-electro-elastic media by the boundary element method, the general solutions in the case of distinct eigenvalues are de-rived and expressed in five harmonic functions from the governing equations and the strict differ-ential operator theorem. On the basis of these general solutions, the fundamental solution of infi-nite magneto-electro-elastic solid are obtained with the method of trial-and-error. Finally, the boundary integral formulation is derived and the corresponding boundary element method program is implemented to perform two numerical calculations(a column under uni-axial tension, uniform electric displacement or uniform magnetic induction, an annular plate simply-supported on outer and inner surfaces under axial loads). The numerical results agree well with the analytical ones. To obtain the fundamental solution for computation of magneto-electro-elastic media by the boundary element method, the general solutions in the case of distinct eigenvalues ​​are de-rived and expressed in five harmonic functions from the governing equations and the strict differ-ential operator theorem. On the basis of these general solutions, the fundamental solution of infi-nite magneto-electro-elastic solid are obtained with the method of trial-and-error. Finally, the boundary integral formulation is derived and the corresponding boundary element method program is implemented to perform two numerical calculations (a column under uni-axial tension, uniform electric displacement or uniform magnetic induction, an annular plate simply-supported on outer and inner surfaces under axial loads). The numerical results agree well with the analytical ones.
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