1994年,中国开始改革开放的 第16个年头。3月的北京,体 育管理体制改革被提上了议事 日程,在原国家体委办公室里, 将乒乓球作为优势项目改革试 点的设想变成了白纸黑字的决定。 1994年6月18日,北京体育馆看台下 的几间办公室里,中国乒乓球运动最高决策 机构和管理机构-乒乓球运动管理中心正式 挂牌成立,37岁的原国家体委训竞二司副司 长杨树安出任中心常务副主任并主持工作。 两年后的1996年6月,管理中心迁入更宽 敞的新办公楼,与其它中心同址办公。1997 年,羽毛球并入,更名为乒羽中心,下面分 设乒乓部和羽毛部。
In 1994, China began its 16th year of reform and opening up. In Beijing in March, the reform of the sports management system was put on the agenda. In the former State Sports Commission office, the idea of using table tennis as a pilot project for the reform of superiority projects was turned into a blunt decision. On June 18, 1994, in several offices under the stands of Beijing Stadium, the governing body of table tennis, the highest decision-making body and governing body of Chinese table tennis, was formally established. The 37-year-old deputy director of the State Sports Commission Xun Jing II Yang Shu’an served as deputy director of the center and presided over the work. Two years later, in June 1996, the management center moved to a more spacious new office building and co-located with other centers. In 1997, the badminton was merged and renamed the Ping Yu Center. Below is the table tennis and feather department.