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推广中国文化,让我们的产品产生文化上的吸引力,有利于我们逐渐摆脱卖苦力的地位。与朋友聚会,正在召开的“汉语大会”成了热门话题。席间说起中国政府将投巨资在海外办百所“孔子学院”,一位朋友颇不以为然。在他看来,这种投资固然可以满足“汉语热”的需求,但国内尚有大量失学儿童,教育负担非常繁重,把有限而宝贵的教育资源转移到国外,廉价提供给别人,其合理性恐怕值得商榷。他进一步推论,这种政策背后的政治性目的压倒了社会与财政的考虑,本质上是一种国际化的作秀,其主要目的与其说是让世界了解中国,不如说是为了满足中国人自己的某种心理需求。 Promoting Chinese culture and making our products culturally attractive will help us to gradually get out of the position of selling coolies. With friends gathering, the ongoing “Chinese Assembly” has become a hot topic. Speaking at the reception, the Chinese government invested heavily in running “Confucius Institutes” one hundred overseas and one friend disliked it. In his view, although such investment can satisfy the demand of “Chinese fever”, there are still a large number of children who are out of school in China, the education burden is very heavy, the limited and valuable education resources are transferred abroad and cheaply provided to others, and its rationality I am afraid worth discussing. He further deduces that the political purpose behind this policy overrides social and financial considerations and is essentially an international show. Its main purpose is not so much to let the world understand China, but rather to satisfy the Chinese people themselves Some kind of psychological needs.
据新华社2001年12月28日消息,从国家计委获悉,我国已对2002年“西电东送”工程做了如下安排: 北部通道将开发“三西”(山西、蒙西、陕西)地区的煤电基地,重点开工一批发电项
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<正> 刑法对犯罪者的惩处,虽然保护了被害者的正当权益,但除极少数被害者的物质损失,如财产被盗的损失,因受犯罪侵害而伤残或死亡所支付的医疗费、丧葬费等,能得到部分返还或一定损害赔偿外,对于绝大多数被害
英国的法院系统既有地区的区别,又存在民事、刑事等审判业务的区别.民事法院和刑事法院是英国法院系统最主要的组成部分,此外英国法院还设有一些专业法庭. The distinction