编辑做标题,主要的表达工具是文字;但还有一种辅助的表达工具往往被人们所忽视,那就是标点符号。我国古书是不用标点符号的,如何断句,何处加标点,往往意见分歧,各有各的解释。例如,唐代诗人杜牧,写过一首家喻户晓的绝句《清明》:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村”。后人通过改变排列形式和标点符号,将它变成“戏剧小品”: (清明时节。 (雨纷纷,路上。行人:(欲断魂)借问酒家何处有? 牧童:(遥指)杏花村。还有人将这首诗改为词: “清明时节雨,纷纷路上行人。欲断魂,借问酒家何处?有牧童,遥指杏花村。”这个例子足以说明标点符号的妙用。标点符号是随五四新文学运动由外国引进的新事物,与白话文产生的年代大致相同。从此.标点符号便成为文章的一个有机构成部分。近年来,我国报纸越来越重视发挥标点及其它符号在新闻标题中的表达作用。标点符号,能表达神态,加强语气,标出情感,
Editors to the title, the main expression tool is text; but there is an auxiliary expression tools often overlooked by people, that is punctuation. Our ancient books are not punctuation, how to sentence, where punctuation, the views are often divided, each with its own interpretation. For example, Du Mu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a well-known poem “Ching Ming”: “There are rain in the Ching Ming Festival and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Descendants by changing the arrangement of forms and punctuation, it will become a ”play piece“: (Ching Ming Festival. (Rain have, on the road. Pedestrians: (desire to break soul) Where to ask? There are also people who changed the poem into the words: ”The Qingming Festival rain, one after another on the road pedestrian. To break soul, ask where the restaurant? Have a shepherd, Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen." This example is sufficient to illustrate the magical punctuation. With the May Fourth Movement of new literature introduced by foreign new things, and the vernacular generated roughly the same age.Since then, the punctuation mark has become an integral part of the article.In recent years, our newspapers pay more and more attention to punctuation and other symbols in the news The role of expression in the title punctuation, can express demeanor, strengthen the tone, mark the emotion,