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In order to save energy and make more efficient use of wireless channel, this article puts forward an energy saving cooperative relaying scheme which actuates the cooperative transmission only when the feedback from the destination indicates failure of the direct transmission. The proposed scheme selects the optimal relay and its corresponding transmission power in each time slot based on channel condition and residual energy with the objective of minimizing energy consumption and extending network lifetime. In the study, the finite-state Markov channel model is used to characterize the correlation structure of channel fading in wireless networks, and the procedure of relay selection and transmission power decision is formulated as a Markov decision process. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme consumes less energy and prolongs the network lifetime. In order to save energy and make more efficient use of wireless channel, this article puts forward an energy saving cooperative relaying scheme which actuates the cooperative transmission only when the feedback from the destination indicates failure of the direct transmission. and its corresponding transmission power in each time slot based on channel condition and residual energy with the objective of minimizing energy consumption and extending network lifetime. In the study, the finite-state Markov channel model is used to characterize the correlation structure of channel fading in wireless networks, and the procedure of relay selection and transmission power decision is formulated as a Markov decision process. Numerical and simulation results show that the proposed scheme consumes less energy and prolongs the network lifetime.
目的 分析2型糖尿病并高血压的临床作用.方法 选取我院2018年8月-2019年8月收治的128例2型糖尿病并高血压患者,按照随机分组法分为对照组与观察组各64例.对照组患者服用氨氯
目的 探究膝关节损伤诊断中核磁共振技术的应用价值.方法 收集61例2018年10月-2019年9月期间本院收治的膝关节损伤患者为研究对象,分别进行核磁共振检查和CT检查,分析对比两
目的 分析研究超短波理疗与推拿疗法共同治疗踝部扭伤的应用效果.方法 选取本院收治的88例踝部扭伤患者开展本次试验研究,纳入时间为2018年07月-2019年07月,所有患者通过数字
说起招商,有很多道道,但在永达国际大厦人看来,其实就是把服务做好,做到细节上。当然,服务两字说起来简单,但要让人满意,并不容易。 Speaking of investment, there are man