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1病例报告患者男,25岁。飞行员,飞行总时间358h。某日做飞行准备时向航空军医反映耳鸣、头晕伴恶心,头部运动时症状明显加剧。查体:体温37.3℃,脉搏72/min,血压112/70mmHg,双眼无自发性眼震。耳内镜检查,双侧耳道黏膜轻度充血,耳道内无异常分泌物。取消飞行计划,给予对症治疗,并密切观察。治疗期间症状有所缓解,但耳鸣、眩晕时有发作。遂以发作性眩晕、耳鸣伴或不伴恶心1周,送往体系医院诊治。专科检查:双眼无眼震,双耳听力正常,双耳林纳试验气导较骨导时间长(AC>BC),韦伯试验、施瓦巴赫试验正常,昂白试验、一字型走试验阴 1 case report Patient male, 25 years old. Pilots, total flight time 358h. One day when the flight preparation to the aviation military reflect tinnitus, dizziness with nausea, head movement significantly increased symptoms. Physical examination: body temperature 37.3 ℃, pulse 72 / min, blood pressure 112 / 70mmHg, no spontaneous nystagmus eyes. Ear endoscopy, mild bilateral mucosal congestion of the ear canal, no abnormal secretion within the ear canal. Cancel the flight plan, give symptomatic treatment, and observe closely. During the treatment of symptoms have eased, but tinnitus, dizziness and sometimes attack. Suffering from episodes of vertigo, tinnitus with or without nausea, sent to the system hospital for treatment. Specialist examination: binocular non-nystagmus, binaural hearing is normal, binaural Linna test air conduction than the bone conduction time (AC> BC), Weber test, Schwabach test is normal, Ang white test, a walk test Yin