【摘 要】
This is the first of a three-part series of pape rs which introduces a general background of building trajectory-oriented road net work data models, including motivation, related works, and basic conc
【出 处】
Geo-Spatial Information Science
This is the first of a three-part series of pape rs which introduces a general background of building trajectory-oriented road net work data models, including motivation, related works, and basic concepts. The p urpose of the series is to develop a tra
The oasis expansion and economic development of the Manas River Valley is one of the most successful examples in Xinjiang. In this paper, the oasis spatial distribution pattern and dynamic change were
研究以不可约有界对称域Ω为底空间的一类Hartogs域(?)上的K(?)hler- Einstein度量,这种域称之为Cartan-Hartogs域,是华罗庚域的一种,其中K(?)hler- Einstein度量的生成函数满足一带有边界条件的复Monge-Ampère方程.一般地,域(?)是非齐性域,其上有一全纯自同构子群以及群不变轨道X∈[0,1[,因此可以把复Monge-Ampère方程化为常
It is a great honor for us to be the guest editors of this special issue of Science in China,Series A,dedicated to Professor Sheng Gong.This publication constitutes the proceedings of the Internationa
设{W(t):t∈R},{B(t):t∈R+}是两相互独立取值于R且W(0)= B(0)=0的标准Brown运动, {Y(t)=W(B(t)),t∈R+}为R上的重Brown运动,X1(t),…,Xd(t)是Y(t)的d个独立复制.我们将探讨d维重Brown运动X(t)=(X1(t),…,Xd(t))的像集和图集的精确Hausdorff测度.更确切地,得到了X的像集X(Q)={X(t):t∈Q}和