图书市场秩序的不规范,突出的表现在以下几个方面: 1.盗版、非法出版图书现象仍然严重。这不仅严重危害着图书出版业,也极大地冲击着图书发行业,特别是作为主渠道的新华书店。对这类现象,新闻出版管理部门,要加大执法力度,严查、严办一些不法分子,做到杀一儆百,以体现法律的尊严,警示后人。 2.各式各样的合作出版越来越多,手段越来越高
Book market order is not standardized, outstanding performance in the following areas: 1. Piracy, illegal publication of books is still serious. This not only seriously endangers the book publishing industry, but also greatly affects the book publishing industry, especially as the main channel Xinhua Bookstore. For such phenomena, press and publication administrations should step up their efforts in law enforcement, conduct rigorous investigations and severely punish unscrupulous elements so that they can accomplish their utmost in order to reflect the dignity of the law and alert their descendants. 2. A wide range of collaborative publishing more and more means higher and higher