在临床工作中 ,有些急性脑血管病患者很象脑缺血 ,但经颅脑 CT检查却为脑出血 ,故应加以强调 ,提高警惕 ,进行必要的检查以减少误诊 ,此类型脑出血称为非典型脑出血 ,现将我科 1994~ 1999年收治的 30例非典型脑出血患者分析如下。1 一般资料1.1 30例患者均无高血压病病史 ,
In clinical work, some patients with acute cerebrovascular disease is very much like cerebral ischemia, but cerebral hemorrhage is detected by brain CT examination. Therefore, it should be emphasized, vigilant, and necessary examination should be conducted to reduce misdiagnosis. This type of cerebral hemorrhage is called Atypical intracerebral hemorrhage, now our department admitted from 1994 to 1999, 30 cases of atypical cerebral hemorrhage were analyzed as follows. 1 General Information 1.1 30 patients had no history of hypertension,