采用 P- V技术 ,以 P- V曲线水分参数为基础 ,对 8个杨树杂交无性系品种的抗旱性进行了排序和聚类分析。结果表明 ,杂交无性系品种的抗旱性均大于对照品种。 8个新品种及其对照品种可以分为 3个类群。第一类群为 4号、7号、2号、8号、5号和 6号 ,抗旱性较强。第二类群为 1号和 3号 ,抗旱性较弱 ;对照品种为第三类群 ,抗旱性明显较弱。结合其它性状 ,很有希望从第一类群中选择出具有推广价值的杨树新品种
Based on the P-V curve moisture parameter, the drought resistance of eight poplar hybrid clones was sorted and clustered by using P-V technique. The results showed that the drought resistance of hybrid clones was higher than that of the control. Eight new breeds and their control breeds can be divided into three groups. The first group of 4, 7, 2, 8, 5 and 6, drought resistance. The second group is No. 1 and No. 3, drought resistance is weak; the control variety is the third group, the drought resistance is obviously weaker. Combined with other traits, it is very promising to select from the first group popularized poplar new varieties